Aadarsh Amdavad is a thought to make Ahmadabad an ideal city by volunteering effect. The idea came in 2004 and since then it was put into action. It was a journey started with one volunteer, one activity of Yog and one service centre which was grown upto more than 600 volunteers, more than 60 activities and more than 100+ service centers across the city today. Beauty of the organization is that all our activities are conducted Free of cost with no discrimination of any kind e.g. creed, caste, community, sex. Etc. as we believe in “VASUDHAV KUTTUMBAKKAM”.
It was clear in mind that if amdavad would become Aadrash it will be through Aadarsh volunteers. To prepare Aadarsh volunteers and educate them, we have started training of trainers’ courses also. All these activities are conducted under Himatbhai Shamaldas Shah, Shasan Seva Charitable Trust.
- Be a beneficiary by participating by participating in our activities And Training of your interest. All the activities are FREE OF COST.
- Became a Volunteer of Aadarsh Amdavad in any field of Activities. AA will provide you the best platform for you to serve Amdavad citizens.
- Provide space to open a SEVA KENDRA. AA management team will manage and administrate the various activities as per the feasibility and need of the people of the area.
- To know the upcoming activities, location and many more, Subscribe for Aadarsh Amdavad Samachar Patrika. At present subscription rates for Patrika are 1Year: Rs. 75 / 3 Years: Rs. 215 / 5 Years: Rs.360 (Offline) and 1Year: Rs. 77 / 3 Years: Rs. 221 / 5 Years: Rs.369 (Online)
- Donate generously to Aadarsh Amdavad to support our activities. Donation to AA are exempt u/s 80G of income tax.